Photo of Joaquim Falcó Spain

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Manresa 1958 MAJOR EXHIBITIONS 1981 Sala dArt xipella, Manresa. Galera 1982 491, Barcelona. Seny Galera 1985, Barcelona. Lleonart Gallery, Barcelona. 1987 Dart Center Contemporain Passages, Troyes. Chateau-Fort Muse, 1988 Bel Air sedan, Barcelona. Sergio Sanchez Galera, Manresa. 1989 Bianca Pilat, Milan Art Diagonal, Barcelona. Galera Tertre, Matar. 1990 Dart Center Contemporain Passages, Troyes. FundaciCaixa de Manresa,...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2014, \"CAPS\". Centre d´Art Contemporani CACIS
  • 2014, ART CHINA. Pequín. (China)
  • 2014, HONG KONG Contemporary Art Show.

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See everything we offer you!
21.65 x 18.11 in
25.59 x 21.26 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
18.11 x 21.65 in
16.54 x 14.96 in

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Manresa 1958 MAJOR EXHIBITIONS 1981 Sala dArt xipella, Manresa. Galera 1982 491, Barcelona. Seny Galera 1985, Barcelona. Lleonart Gallery, Barcelona. 1987 Dart Center Contemporain Passages, Troyes. Chateau-Fort Muse, 1988 Bel Air sedan, Barcelona. Sergio Sanchez Galera, Manresa. 1989 Bianca Pilat, Milan Art Diagonal, Barcelona. Galera Tertre, Matar. 1990 Dart Center Contemporain Passages, Troyes. FundaciCaixa de Manresa, Manresa. The Gallery 16, Olot. Arteara Galera 1991, Madrid. Bianca Pilat, Milan. Gallery Giulia, Rome. 1993 Symbols Gallery, Manresa, Barcelona. Galera 1995 Vayreda, Olot. Room 1996 dArt xipella, Manresa. Magda Baixeras Galera, Barcelona. Real Galera 79, Almera. General Society of Authors, Madrid. Galera Rovira, Sabadell. Room 1997 dArt xipella, Manresa. Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art gallery, Milano. Room 1998 dArt xipella, Manresa. Espai Miquel Gaspar, Barcelona. Sala Caja Madrid, Barcelona. 1998 Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Chicago. 2000 Raffaella Silbernagl Arte Contemporanea. Varese. 2001 Room dArt xipella, Manresa. 2002 Pillars Art Gallery, Cuenca. Iris Gallery, Barcelona. Galeria Siglo XXI, Castelln. Gallery 2003 Catalonia, Barcelona. Galeria Al Vent, Barcelona. Three Space Gallery, Malaga. VIII International Fair of Osaka. (Guest Artist). Magi Art Gallery, Bologna Fair. 2004 Gallery Villanueva, Art Expo, New York. Annia Galeria. Fair Arcale, Salamanca. Gallery Eduma, Linares. Gallery Catalonia, Barcelona. Meeting Point Gallery. Lanzarote. Canary Islands. Gallery Ruax dArt, Manresa. 2005 Conference and Exhibition. Madrid. Isolani palace. Bologna. Lecrin Gallery, Granada. Palacio La Salina. Salamanca Provincial Council. Santa Marina di Salina. Italy. Castell de Cardona, Barcelona. Museo de Arte de Caguas, Puerto Rico. The House of Art Gallery. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Gallery 2006 Trade Winds. Bologna. Italy. Galeria Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. START gallery. Bologna. Italy. Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest. Romania. EXHIBITIONS 1979 Sala dArt xipella, Manresa, Barcelona. Catal Casal, Stolberg, Alemnia. Galera 1980 Kreisler, Barcelona. 1981 Galley The Revs, Manresa, Barcelona. Jaime Sala, Barcelona. Parnassus Room 1983, Palma de Mallorca. 1984 V Biennial dArt Jove, Palau Meca, Barcelona. XXVIII International Salon, Bziers. 1985 I Biennale dArt Jove, Caritat House, Barcelona. Galera Sa Coma, Tossa de Mar. 1986 Exprss Art Galley, Madrid. Copy-Copy, Transformadors, Barcelona. FundaciColegio del Rey, Alcalde Henares, Madrid. Galera 1988 Emilio Navarro, Madrid. Andrea Serrano Galera, Barcelona. Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art 1990, Milano. Galera Pdova 2000, Pdova. Italy. Galeria Maria Salvat, Barcelona. Contemporary Gallery, Pdova, Italy. COCART 1991, Coca-Cola Exhibition hall, Verona. Palazzo della Ragione, Mantova. Pinacoteca Provinciale, Bari. Spazio Flaminio, Rome. Vestiti dArtisti, Gallery II Baule, Milano. 4 Artisti da Corsa, Colecc Museum. Maranello Rosso, San Marino. 1992 Gallerie give Contemporanea, Padova. Space AD 2000, Tockyo. Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Milan. 1993 Ferrari Artisti DOC Hall, Treto. Symbols Gallery, Manresa, Barcelona. Associazione Cult. II Politico, Rome. 1994 Bianca Pilat, Milan. Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid. Aula Magna, Universitdi Ancona. 1995 Stadtmuseum Mnster, pour Embarquement Mnster Cythre, Vivre, Milano. Absolut Vodka, FAD Spain, Barcelona. Xth International graphic exhibition, Catania, Italy. Aurea, Aurea, Palazzo RUINI, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Galleria give Cattelani, Modena, Italy. Une lettre in passantpour a Abécédaire, Passages dArt Centre Contemporain, Troyes, France. The magical world of Mickey Mouse, Illa Diagonal, Barcelona. Mickey Mouse, Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Milan. Nel Segno dell Langeled Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Milan. Room 1996 dArt xipella, Manresa, Barcelona. Llafranc Singul-Art, Girona. Beneffit, Bianca Pilat Gallery, Milan. Made in Art, Gallery Terzo Millennio, Milano. Taller Obert. Workshop Blau, Calaf, Barcelona. Gallery Giacometti, Manresa, Barcelona. Comics Dartist, Museo de Berga, Barcelona. Signs of an angel, Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Chicago. 1997 The angel in contemporary art, JD Carrier Art Gallery, Toronto. DArt room xipella, Manresa, Barcelona. 1999 Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art Chicago. National Print Award 2000, Zaragoza, Madrid, Pamplona, Santander, Logroo, Lleida. Omaggio alla Ferrari, Frascati. Rome. 2003 Gallery Magiarte. Milano. Gallery Catalonia. Barcelona. 50 years of Printmaking Workshop Joan Barbar. Barcelona, Madrid, A Corua, Palma de Mallorca. 2004 Logudoro Meilogu Fondazione Onlus. Banari. Sardinia. Gallery 2005 Trade Winds. Bologna. Galeria Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. Cerd Museum. Puigcerdà. 2006 Galeria Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid.

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